Joy for me is when I am free to continue an enduring conversation with the land, with "Anima Mundi" . In my daily walks I find many "artifacts", and in my imagination many Icons that remember my source in the Earth.
A SHRINE is a contemplative place or object that provides an opportunity to reflect on what is sacred.
A RELIQUARY is a container for sacred artifacts, traditionally the bones of a saint. But my Reliquaries honor the bones of the land - the touchstone from a long ago beach, emanating still the fragrance of that day, a feather left behind by a blue jay or by the flight of a Phoenix. Twigs that remind one of a face once seen among the leaves, whispering your name. The sweet residue of an incomparable Summer Solstice.
I have also been fascinated with the Black Madonnas of medievil Europe, which occur most often at sacred springs or caves reputed to have healing qualities. Many of these Madonnas are still important places of contemporary pilgrimage.
"There was once a vast pilgrimage that took place in Europe. Pilgrims made their way towards the town of Compostella in Spain, where an ancient
effigy of the BLACK MADONNA was housed. The word Compostella comes from the same root word as compost. COMPOST is the living, black
material that is made from rotting fruits, grains and other organic matter. From this compost -- life and light will emerge. When the pilgrims came to
the Cathedral at Compostella they were being 'composted' in a sense. After emergence from the dark confines of the cathedral and the spirit -- they
were ready to flower, they were ready to return home with their spirits lightened." ~~ Jay Weidner
A SHRINE is a contemplative place or object that provides an opportunity to reflect on what is sacred.
A RELIQUARY is a container for sacred artifacts, traditionally the bones of a saint. But my Reliquaries honor the bones of the land - the touchstone from a long ago beach, emanating still the fragrance of that day, a feather left behind by a blue jay or by the flight of a Phoenix. Twigs that remind one of a face once seen among the leaves, whispering your name. The sweet residue of an incomparable Summer Solstice.
I have also been fascinated with the Black Madonnas of medievil Europe, which occur most often at sacred springs or caves reputed to have healing qualities. Many of these Madonnas are still important places of contemporary pilgrimage.
"There was once a vast pilgrimage that took place in Europe. Pilgrims made their way towards the town of Compostella in Spain, where an ancient
effigy of the BLACK MADONNA was housed. The word Compostella comes from the same root word as compost. COMPOST is the living, black
material that is made from rotting fruits, grains and other organic matter. From this compost -- life and light will emerge. When the pilgrims came to
the Cathedral at Compostella they were being 'composted' in a sense. After emergence from the dark confines of the cathedral and the spirit -- they
were ready to flower, they were ready to return home with their spirits lightened." ~~ Jay Weidner
Images and other materials are COPYRIGHT Lauren Raine 2021, and may not be reproduced without permission.